Serving the Community

"Let it be said of Omega of the future that we live to serve our fellow man."

Omega Founder, Oscar James Cooper, December 17, 1941

American Cancer Society 
Hope Lodge

Located in Decatur, GA, the American Cancer Society’s Hope Lodge provides patients and their caregivers with an environment that eases both the stress of the cancer journey and the financial challenges of receiving cancer treatment. For over seven years, DMM has participated in the Meal of Hope program, where the Hope Lodge guests enjoy a meal prepared by members of the Chapter. During the meal, DMM members meet residents, talk to them about their experience, and provide emotional support and comfort to the patients going through the cancer experience.

Covenant Community

Covenant Community is a residential, life-stabilization program serving men addicted to alcohol or drugs, ages eighteen or older. Created in 1990 and located in Atlanta, the program supports fourteen residents who have completed a short-term stay in a detoxification facility and have made a covenant to follow a strict therapeutic regimen for a minimum of six months. DMM has adopted this facility as part of our social action plan, visiting the facility every other month. Brothers prepare meals and discuss a topic that is relevant to the residents’ journey. The topics covered have been manhood, responsibility, decisions, and consequences, and family, to name a few. The format is in a group setting with Brothers and residents of the facility having an open dialogue about the topic.  A Brother leads the discussion, but all participate.

Caring For Others

Since May 2021, DMM has supported the efforts of Caring For Others, a 501c3 nonprofit with the mission of eradicating poverty in metro Atlanta, by providing the Chapter’s time, talents, and treasures to the agency. DMM has donated over $8,000 to Caring For Others, participated in 22 activities ranging from grocery distributions to clothing sorts, volunteered over 1,800 hours, helped distribute over 1.6 million lbs of grocery products, and impacted the lives of over 3,500 metro Atlanta families.