Achievement Week

Inspired by the words spoken by Bro. Dr. Carter G. Woodson, during his speech at Omega’s 9th Grand Conclave in Nashville on December 27, 1920, the Campaign for the Study of Negro Literature and History, was created and launched in April 1921 with the purpose of encouraging African Americans to “study and disseminate the facts of Negro life and history." This program was recasted as Achievement Week in 1926 and moved to the second week of November, consisting of a series of activities aimed at injecting “racial pride and to stimulate, enrich, and direct the innate powers of Negro youth.” It is Omega’s longest-sustained community-oriented program, which is mandated to be implemented by all Chapters in the Fraternity.  

2024 DMM Achievement Week Activities

The Omega Debate

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Annual Church Service

Sunday, November 3, 2024

The Achievement Pitch
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Founders Brunch
Saturday, November 9, 2024


Established in 2019, The Omega Debate seeks to revive and leverage its history of scholarly debate targeting high school students of color in metro Atlanta to spur creative thought, develop critical thinking skills, improve articulation, and advance research skills while inspiring both participants and audience to act on the subject of the debate.


Within the history of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, debating has been a cornerstone since before its founding. Two of Omega’s Founders, Edgar Amos Love and Frank Coleman, were elected members of the Kappa Sigma Debating Society at Howard University in February 1911 and several other future Brothers, including Founder Love’s brother, William, were members of this society as early as 1909. The foundation in debate extended throughout Omega with Brothers at Fisk, Morehouse, and Lincoln members of their respective debate societies. Most notable, Melvin B. Tolson, professor of English at Wiley College, was the famed debate coach for that school. He was the subject of the 2007 biopic The Great Debaters (Tolson was initiated into Omega while attending Lincoln University in 1921).

November 2, 2024, 9 AM - Noon
Westlake High School Auditorum
2400 Union Road
Atlanta, GA 30331
(the event is open to the public)

Since its inception in 2019, Delta Mu Mu Chapter has partnered with Westlake High School in southwest Atlanta to host and be the featured high school for The Omega Debate.
Competitive Structure
For 2024, The Omega Debate is an intraschool tournament-style competition consisting of four 2-person teams from Westlake HS Debate Club.  These teams will meet in the prelims then finals to determine the winner of the Tolson Cup and $1,000 1st place prize.
Debate Format
The format employed for The Omega Debate is Team Policy.  This format consists of eight speeches: four constructive, which lays out the most important arguments, and four rebuttals, which are where teams explain the flaw in their opponent's argument.
Panel Discussion
In years past, the Debate featured a guest speaker.  Starting in 2023, a panel discussion featuring 2-3 professionals, officials, administrators, and/or academics on one of the featured topics of the Debate is featured.

2024 Debate Topic:

The topic selected is one that has current community, political, or societal relevance or one that directly impacts students.  Past topics includes Higher Education: Is the juice worth the squeeze? (2019), To Mask or Unmask: Is the mask mandate necessary in metro Atlanta schools? (2021), Are HBCUs relevant today? (2022), and Fair or Foul?: Does the Media report objectively? (2023).

Annual Church Service

Each year during Achievement Week, the Brothers of Delta Mu Mu Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity give thanks and praise by worshiping with the congregation of the New Springfield Baptist Church in Siloam, GA, pastored by Omega’s own Grand Chaplain Rev. Bro. Roi Johnson. The Chapter provides ongoing support for the various ministries of New Springfield by making an annual donation. In 2023, a grant of $4,500 was awarded to New Springfield by DMM. This year’s service will take place on Sunday, November 3, 2024.

Entrepreneurship+Social Innovation

The Achievement Pitch (TAP) is a student-based, social enterprise pitch competition designed to address social and environmental challenges in communities of color while encouraging and advancing entrepreneurship among high school students.

TAP seeks to demonstrate that profits and purpose are not mutually exclusive and can go hand in hand. It also allows participants to practice, hone, and refine their pitch/presentation skills, which are valuable for future business purposes.

November 6, 2024, 6 PM - 8:30 PM
Oglethorpe University
Lupton Hall Auditorium
4484 Peachtree Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30319
(the event is open to the public)

The Process


Develop a good idea that you think would work with a group of target customers. Or you may have one as a pre-startup or early-stage venture.


Complete the short application form by clicking here. The deadline for applying for the 2024 competition has been extended to Wednesday, October 16, 2024.


Develop your business plan and pitch presentation. Be concise, thorough, and creative.


Wow the judges with your pitch and win the first-place prize of $2,500! The runner-up receives a prize of $1,250. The pitch will take place on Wednesday, November 6, 2024.

Apply Today

The application period will be opening soon for submission of concepts and interest to TAP. Teams/Ventures from 1-5 students may apply. Click here or on the button below to complete and submit the short application. The deadline for all applications has been extended to Wednesday, October 16, 2024 . Finalists will be determined on a rolling basis and notified within 3-5 business days of the submission of their application. Final notifications will be sent by Sunday, October 20, 2024.

Rules & Guidelines

Please click on the button below to download TAP's rules, guidelines, and other information.

For Additional Information:
Please email for further information or if you have any questions.

Founders Brunch

Each year, DMM present community leaders and organizations awards to recognize and support the effort and difference they’re making in the African American community, as well as DMM Chapter members whose contributions go above and beyond the call. This activity is held during Achievement Week’s capstone event: the Founders Brunch.  This year’s Founders Brunch will be held on Saturday, November 9, 2024, at Maggiano’s, 3368 Peachtree Road, Atlanta, GA 30326.  The theme of this year's Brunch is "Uplifting the Community through Service."

Annual Community Awards

Citizen of the Year
The Citizen of the Year is a metro Atlanta individual who makes an outstanding contribution to the welfare of mankind.  Past DMM recipients of this award include former US Surgeon General Dr. David Satcher (2013), Congressman John Lewis (2015), Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (2018), Congresswoman Lucy McBath (2019), and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (2023).
The Just Cause

Inspired by Founder Ernest Everett Just's passion for his students, coupled with his love of research and teaching, DMM created the The Just Cause award in 2023 to honor a stalwart metro Atlanta educator who devotes their time and energy to activities that improve their students' instruction, helping them achieve excellence.  A grant of $500 is awarded to the recipient to aid in supporting their teaching effort.

High School Essay Award
The annual High School essay contest challenges HS students to develop a compelling, thought-provoking 700-750 word narrative on a social or political topic of the day.  DMM awards $500 to the winning recipient of the essay.
Local Grants
Each year, DMM provides $1,000 funding for two local nonprofits that serve families and individuals in need throughout the metro Atlanta area:  Caring for Others & Lady T's Homeless Ministry